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 Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex

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Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Empty
PostSubyek: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeFri Jun 24, 2011 5:55 pm

Selamat sore wonosari'ers, untuk meramaikan forum Wonosari Gunungkidul, perkenankan saya akan sharing tentang belajar forex online trading. Dalam hal ini kita belajar dari awal mengenai forex trading sehingga bisa memahami, bisa melakukan transaksi di forex untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Bagi yang tertarik belajar bersama saya saya persilahkan feedback.. Insya Allah step by step pelajaran kita sampaikan. Kali ini perkenalan dulu. Thanks :)
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Lokasi : Playen
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeFri Jun 24, 2011 9:02 pm

monggo kang nek tertarik kro indikatorku...
monggo silahkan bergabung....nuwun
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2011 3:40 pm

Terima kasih sudah mampir bang pan65.
Mari kita lanjutkan bahasan kita bersama-sama belajar forex. Namun, di awal saya akan bercerita tentang sebuah pekerjaan. Orang hidup harus bekerja agar bisa memenuhi kebutuhannya. Kebutuhan makan, pakaian dan tempat tinggal. Ketika orang berpikir tentang apakah yang akan menjadi pekerjaannya, lantas mereka bertanya apa yang cocok untuk saya? Ada banyak pekerjaan di sini, kalau dulu saya sekolah di SMK Jurusan Otomotif, saya berpikir akan bekerja di bengkel / showroom atau yang berkaitan dengannya. Namun, sekarang alih jalur ke sektor bisnis finansial. Very Happy *Gak nyambung mode ON*.

Ok, para forumers di sini saya yakin bermacam-macam pekerjaannya, ada yang jadi karyawan, pegawai negeri, mekanik, dan lain-lain. Semua itu merupakan sarana mendapatkan uang agar bisa memenuhi kebutuhan dan juga keinginan yang lain. Baik, singkatnya di sini saya akan sharing mengenai sebuah lahan pekerjaan di sektor finansial. Dan pada pertemuan berikutnya akan saya sharing tentang beberapa bentuk investasi di sektor finansial.

To be continued....
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Lokasi : Magnet Internet Patuk Gunungkidul
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeSat Jun 25, 2011 6:18 pm

Nungu pembahasan selanjutnya
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2011 12:48 pm

@Lexy thanks sudah mampir. :)

Kita lanjutkan pembahasan hari ini, this is Sunday. Apakah pada liburan atau pada masuk kerja? Yah, kalau agan-agan semua berbisnis forex trading, hari Sabtu dan Ahad adalah hari libur, sehingga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk kegiatan lain.

Well, BTT, back to topic. Hari ini saya akan bercerita mengenai investasi finansial berupa tabungan / deposito di bank. Bagi teman-teman yang sudah bekerja, tentu mempunyai gaji / bayaran kerja. PNS ada gaji tetap. Tentu banyak diantara kita yang mempunyai tabungan di bank/BMT/koperasi. Kalau kita menyimpan uang di bank maka akan mendapatkan return berupa bunga sekian persen dari nilai tabungan. Namun, bagi yang Muslim bunga ini termasuk kategori riba (untuk pembahasan masalah ini silahkan carilah rujukan sendiri, karena ane bukan ahlinya hehe), sehingga ada alternatif bank syariah seperti BSM, BRI Syariah, atau BMT. Namun yang saya tekankan di sini adalah nilai return dari investasi yang berupa tabungan atau yang bentuknya deposito. Kalau saya tidak salah nilainya tidak sampai 5% per bulan. Kelebihan dari investasi tabungan adalah bisa dicairkan setiap saat, bisa melalui ATM atau teller. Kalau deposito harus nunggu jangka waktu 1, 2, 6, atau lebih tergantung perjanjian. Sekarang ini ATM BRI sudah sampai di ujung-ujung pelosok desa, saya lihat di Semin juga sudah ada ATM BRI. Sehingga anda lebih mudah mencairkan, tentu kalau anda buka tabungan yang ada kartu ATM dan masuk jaringan ATM bersama / prima. Inilah salah satu kelebihan tabungan yang fleksibel, anda butuh tinggal ke ATM cairkan, keluar uang. Kemudian kekurangannya adalah return yang ditawarkan sangat kecil, bahkan kadang kalau saldo sedikit malah semakin habis kena bea admin bank. Ok, ini gambaran tentang tabungan atau deposito yang merupakan salah satu jenis investasi.

To be continued...
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Lokasi : Magnet Internet Patuk Gunungkidul
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2011 11:00 pm

Trus apa keterkaitan antara bunga Bank, deposito tabungan dengan Forex ?
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2011 11:14 pm

Lexy wrote:
Trus apa keterkaitan antara bunga Bank, deposito tabungan dengan Forex ?

Sabar pak Erte, pembahasan berlanjut. :)
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeMon Jun 27, 2011 5:44 pm

Well, selamat sore agan-agan semua.

Sebelumnya saya jawab pertanyaan dari agan Lexy dari patuk, tabungan/deposito kaitannya dengan forex memang tidak ada. Namun, nanti setelah sampai pada materi forex trading, kita akan mendapatkan kaitan tersebut. Salah satunya, setelah kita mendapatkan profit dari forex trading, maka dapat disimpan dalam tabungan di bank / deposito (syariah atau konvensional, tergantung keyakinan agan-agan). Hal ini dilakukan untuk saving karena forex trading merupakan jenis investasi yang high return dan high risk.


Kali ini saya akan membahas jenis investasi selanjutnya, yaitu di bidang saham. Kalau kita mempunyai dana cukup, maka bisa membeli saham pada sebuah perusahaan publik agar mendapatkan deviden. Besarnya deviden tergantung dari perusahaan tersebut. Seperti Telkom, BNI, BRI, dan lain-lain. Dengan memiliki saham sejumlah tertentu, maka setiap tahun kita akan mendapatkan deviden. Saham ini mempunyai return yang lebih tinggi dari tabungan / deposito. Nah, kita juga bisa mentransaksikan saham tersebut melalui bursa yang disebut BEI (Bursa Efek Indonesia). Bagi agan-agan yang sudah bertransaksi di BEI tentu akan menikmati profit yang luar biasa degan euforia kenaikan IHSG sampai di level 3800an lebih. Tentu bagi yang smart dalam transaksinya. Ini akan memberikan nilai lebih dibanding kita hanya memegang saham tanpa diperdagangkan. Okay, inilah jenis investasi finansial yang mempunyai return lebih tinggi dibanding tabungan / deposito. Untuk bertrading di saham, perlu ilmu khusus, namun saya tidak akan jelaskan di sini karena fokus akhir kita di forex.

To be continued...
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Lokasi : Magnet Internet Patuk Gunungkidul
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeMon Jun 27, 2011 11:11 pm

alventa wrote:
Well, selamat sore agan-agan semua.

To be continued...
Apa sajakah skill dan kemampuan dasar untuk memulai terjun di Pasar saham ?
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeTue Jun 28, 2011 10:44 pm

Lexy wrote:
alventa wrote:
Well, selamat sore agan-agan semua.

To be continued...
Apa sajakah skill dan kemampuan dasar untuk memulai terjun di Pasar saham ?

Selamat malam agan-aganwati semua...

Untuk terjun di pasar saham BEI harus memiliki kemampuan membaca pasar, tentang kondisi suatu perusahaan yang listing di BEI. Diperlukan pengalaman yang panjang untuk bisa menjadi seorang trader saham yang expert. Namun, dalam hal ini saya bukan praktisi di bidang saham, sehingga tidak bisa menjelaskan lebih lanjut. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut maka silahkan lihat website di sana dijelaskan about pasar saham. Matur nuwun...

Next.. melanjutkan pembahasan mengenai investasi finansial, setelah kemarin tentang saham, maka kali ini saya berbicara tentang investasi Emas. Emas merupakan logam mulia yang disukai orang, apalagi para wanita untuk perhiasan. Emas merupakan instrumen investasi yang menarik untuk dimiliki. Tahun 2008, harga emas ada di level US$800 per troy ounce (1 troy ounce = 31.0135 gram). Pada tahun ini harganya sudah di level US$1500, sehingga bisa anda hitung kalau memiliki 31 gram emas saja yang kita beli di tahun 2008 sudah hampir dua kali lipat. Emas merupakan instrumen lindung nilai, dan tidak terpengaruh dengan inflasi / kenaikan harga. Menurut perkiraan para analisa, emas bisa tembus harga di US$2.000 per troy ounce. Maka bagi anda yang mempunyai uang, bisa memborong emas untuk simpanan agan-aganwati. Sangat menarik, bukan?
Di sini saya garis bawahi, bahwa emas merupakan salah satu investasi yang menarik bagi kita. Tingkat return dari emas ini secara persentase lebih tinggi daripada tabungan/deposito, dan saham.

Okay, itu dulu biar kita mengenal jenis-jenis investasi...Insya Allah besuk materi kita langsung ke forex trading.

To be continued...
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeWed Jun 29, 2011 2:31 pm

Well, apa kabar agan-aganwati? Semoga selalu sehat dan lancar.

Kali ini, langsung saja saya akan sharing lagi mengenai investasi di bidang finansial. Forex Online Trading, apa itu Forex Trading? Forex merupakan singkatan dari Foreign Exchange, atau mudahnya perdagangan mata uang antar negara. Transaksi ini terjadi karena masing-masing negara mempunyai mata uang sendiri. Indonesia dengan IDR (Indonesian Rupiah), Malaysia dengan Ringgit Malaysia (RM), Arab Saudi dengan SAR (Saudi Arabia Riyal), Amerika dengan USD (United Stated Dollar), dan lain-lain. Nah, misalkan negara A membeli barang dari negara B, maka A harus membayar dengan mata uang negara B, dan terjadilah transaksi mata uang ini. Maka kemudian dikenal istilah Kurs, nilai mata uang suatu negara dengan negara lain. Contoh 1 USD senilai IDR 8590 (sekarang ini). Dan akan berubah setiap waktu karena adanya perubahan supply dan demand. Kalau supply IDR melimpah, dan demand sedikit maka IDR menjadi murah dan sebaliknya. Ini merupakan kaidah dasar dalam sebuah harga. Kemudian, berhubung dengan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi maka Forex trading dilakukan secara online, jadi kebanyakan tidak melibatkan fisik dari mata uang. Namun, nilai tetap sama meskipun online. Okay, sedikit gambaran dulu mengenai forex besuk kita lanjut, Insya Allah... *dikit-dikit lama-lama membukit*.
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Lokasi : Magnet Internet Patuk Gunungkidul
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeWed Jun 29, 2011 10:51 pm

Forex sama bursa saham tuh ada hubungannya ga ya ? Amiiiin
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeThu Jun 30, 2011 11:35 pm

Lexy wrote:
Forex sama bursa saham tuh ada hubungannya ga ya ? Amiiiin

Tergantung bursa saham mana bro?, kalau bursa saham NYSE tentu ada hubunganya dengan mata uang USD. Kalau di Indonesia tentu hubungannya dengan IDR, namun IDR tidak masuk dalam instrument forex trading.

Well, kita lanjutkan sharing kita kali ini tentang pasangan mata uang di Forex trading. Ada banyak pasangan mata uang yang diperdagangkan di forex trading, sebagian saya sebutkan di bawah ini :
Major Currency, pasangan mata uang utama dunia
1. GBP/USD (Great Britain Pound dan US Dollar)
2. EUR/USD (Euro - mata uang Eropa dan USD Dollar)
3. USD/JPY (US Dollar dan Japanese Yen)
4. USD/CHF (USD dan Swiss Franc)
5. AUD/USD (Australian Dollar dan USD)
6. NZD/USD (New Zealand Dollar dan USD)

Cross currency, dibentuk dari 2 pasangan mata uang major
Dan masih banyak lagi yang nanti kita bisa temukan di platfrom forex, yang kita kenal dengan Metatrader 4. Okay, to be continued....

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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeSat Jul 02, 2011 3:13 pm

Fundamental Analisis

Fundamental merupakan kondisi suatu negara dari segi ekonomi, politik, keamanan, dan segala hal berhubungan dengan suatu negara. Pergerakan mata uang sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi fudamental suatu negara. Misalkan di UK (United Kingdom), memiliki kondisi ekonomi yang bagus, pendapatan penduduk tinggi, negara aman, maka mata uang GBP cenderung meningkat. Namun, sebaliknya ketika kondisi ekonomi memburuk, negara dilanda utang, banyak penggangguran, maka mata uang cenderung turun. Analisa fundamental harus diketahui oleh seorang forex trader agar bisa mengikuti perkembangan mata uang sehingga bisa mengikuti ke mana arahnya untuk mendapatkan keuntungan. Ada beberapa website sebagai rujukan bagus untuk analisa fundamental, silahkan berkunjung ke dan, Jangan lupa juga kunjungi website Nah, ane sarankan untuk memahami fundamental yang mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap mata uang, seperti Interest Rate Statement, Tingkat pangguran suatu negara, Pendapatan penduduk, dan juga kondisi politik. Untuk lebih detail, silahkan ke website tersebut. To be continued...
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeMon Jul 04, 2011 11:58 pm

Teknikal Analisis

Teknikal analisis dalam forex trading berhubungan dengan chart / grafik. Ada 3 tipe grafik, yaitu candlestick, bar chart, dan line chart. Dari ketika jenis, candlestick chart merupakan chart yang paling favorit di kalangan trader. Secara umum, candlestick terdiri dari 2 pembentuk, yakni bentuk candle / lilin dan stick / tongkat. Candle menggambarkan harga pembukaan dan penutupan, sedangkan stick merupakan high dan low. Silahkan download
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeTue Jul 05, 2011 2:37 pm

Trading Psikologi

Psikologi trading fokus pembahasannya pada greed dan fear. Keserakahan dan ketakutan. KEserakahan merupakan suatu kondisi kejiwaaan yang ada pada setiap manusia. Hanya saja nanti tingkatannya berbeda. Dalam forex trading, apalagi nanti saat menghadapi chart perdagangan, maka kondisi ini akan muncul. Ketika sudah mendapatkan profit, maka biasanya mau yang lebih besar lagi. Sehingga melakukan perdagangan dengan emosional. dan setelah itu biasanya malah loss. Demikian juga ketakutan, seorang pemula akan takut masuk perdagangan karena takut kehilangan uangnya. Padahal signal sudah memberikan komando untuk masuk market atau keluar market. Nah, kedua hal ini perlu kita perhatikan, sehingga ktia bisa mengendalikan greed dan fear. Kunci dari belajar psikologi adalah sabar dan konsisten. Next.,
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeWed Jul 06, 2011 6:22 pm

Memulai Demo Trading

Setelah agan-agan mengetahui dasar-dasar forex trading dan sedikit psikologi trading, maka selanjutnya bisa terjun ke simulasi trading. Langkah-langkahnya adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Download platform trading InstaTrader4 dari
2. Install ke komputer anda program tersebut dan cermati fiturnya.
3. Buka rekening demo trading di open demo account.
4. Login pada InstaTrader4 pada menu File - Login, pilih server demo, dan agan harus terkoneksi dengan internet.
5. Cermati fitur-fiturnya kembali, dan kalau bahasa inggris bingung, maka set ke bahasa indonesia. Klik view--language-Indonesian kemudian tutup InstaTrader4 kemudian open lagi.

Selamat mencermati dahulu rekening demo anda.
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeThu Jul 07, 2011 11:58 am

Seputar Demo Trading

Well, kita lanjutkan mengenai demo trading. Setelah agan login dan terkoneksi dengan server demo trading instaforex, maka anda lihat harga mata uang bergerak sesuai dengan pasangan masing-masing. Nah, untuk lebih fokus maka saya menyarankan untuk memilih 1 saja pair yang akan kita simulasi. Pilihlah GBPUSD sebagai pair yang anda tradingkan. GBPUSD (Great Britain Pound dan US DOllar) merupakan mata uang favorit dan ditradingkan dengan volume besar setiap hari. Dalam 1 minggu / 5 hari trading senin-sabtu pagi, agan cukup mengamati grafik harga saja. Temukan pergerakan harga, dan catat jam-jam market bergerak / ramai. Nah, di situ nanti selanjutnya kita bisa jadikan acuan untuk jam transaksi kita. Next...
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2011 11:19 am

Review Demo Trading

Setiap hari kita harus mencatat jurnal trading kita dalam sebuah catatan atau dapat menulis di notepad. Kemudian setiap akhir pekan, kita bisa membuka kembali apa yang menjadi kesalahan dan kekurangan sehingga kita bisa memperbaiki di minggu selanjutnya. Fokus pada 1 pair akan membantu kita lebih cepat menguasai pergerakan market. Next..
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Lokasi : Djodja___
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2011 11:40 pm

Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex 641506 perlu belajar byk nih masih blong
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeSat Jul 09, 2011 3:31 pm

__BlacKy__ wrote:
Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex 641506 perlu belajar byk nih masih blong

Silahkan gan, bisa sama-sama belajar di sini. Kalau ada hal-hal yang kurang jelas bisa ditanyakan, jangan lupa merujuk ke belajarforex dot com dan babypips dot com. Tidak lupa pula join di forum forex trader di Signature saya. Happy weekend.
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeSun Jul 10, 2011 3:00 pm

Selamat siang agan-agan, kembali lagi kita lanjutkan pelajaran kita. Sekarang saya ingin menyampaikan pelajaran dari Website (kutipan)
Kita mulai dari Chapter 1 Introduction, kali ini agan harus menggunakan bantuan atau bisa add on translate di browser anda.

Quote :

Before 1970-s currency price of this or that country was determined by the gold reserve of the country – gold-exchange standard took place in the world. Each currency had its equivalent in ounce of gold. Soon the situation changed. They forgo gold-exchange standard and floating currency rates were introduced – the currency price started to determine by its demand and supply. This way the international Forex market was established.

At Forex currency unit of the one country is selling for a certain amount of units of the other country. Due to the fact that it is rather difficult to imagine how to sell money for money you may think about the currency as a security which gives you a right for a share in the economy of the appropriate to it country. That is why country’s economic health is determined by its currency stability. Thus, trading at Forex we trade “parts” of the countries’ economy.

Why forex is so unique? Imagine yourself a market where you may sell or buy everything you want. You bring at this market a product and immediately find a buyer at the mutually beneficial price. These are characteristic of an ideal highly liquid market. Liquidity is an opportunity to sell or buy a product at the mutually beneficial price or as it is written in the books exchange a product in money and vice versa. What do we need for ideal market? It is simple: ban on monopoly and fair competition, great number of participants and 24-hours work. These are the main requirements for the ideal market, if desired we can list ten more, deduce a system with hundreds of levels and defend a thesis. But we are not going to wander from the point, at this moment you need to remember that Forex is the most high-liquid market in the world!

The turnover at Forex is more than 3 billions US Dollars a day. Any person may participate at Forex. All you need is a certain amount of the initial capital (we will have a talk about it later) and access to the Internet. Because of such a great number of participants no one can influence on the demand and supply of one currency for a long period of time. All processes which influence on the demand and supply are natural processes of the different economies. There are both regularity and unexpectedness in these processes. Learn and react on the changes in these processes is a very important part of trading at Forex, which is called fundamental analysis. There is also technical analysis, but we will talk later abut it.

It is rather interesting that till late 90s only huge financial institutes and banks trade at Forex. For trading it was necessary to have capital in the amount of tens millions of US Dollars, exactly on these sums buy/sell contracts between market participants were concluded. With the Internet development everything was changing and stock intermediary appeared. Using an advantages of the margin trading private individuals who has several hundreds of US Dollars capital may conclude currency sell/buy contracts on hundreds thousands US Dollars, risking with their own capital. Principal of the margin trading lies in the basis of the Forex trading and will be examined later.

Forex does not have physical location and central exchange office. The area for trading at Forex is the whole world! Trading at Forex does not stop for a minute. According to the calendar day it begins in the Far East Wellington, New Zealand, passing time-zones in Sydney, Tokyo, Hong-Kong, Singapore, Moscow, Frankfurt-on-Main, Zurich and finishes in New-York, Los-Angeles. Among mentioned above cities the most important are Tokyo, London and New-York. Depending on the time of the day one currency may be more active than another, it is explained by the working time of the major financial centers.

So, let us sum up the introduction part. International currency market has a number of advantages in comparison with the other markets, for example, stock market (shares are traded at the stock market) – there is no necessity not to sleep at night in the Far East of Russia waiting until the stock market in Moscow will be closed. Forex works 24-hours a day and it is the most high-liquid market in the world. Internet development drives to the appearance of the stock intermediaries who provide the private individuals with the opportunity to work and make profit at Forex. It turns out that the competition among such stock intermediaries is very intensive and as a result there are rather profitable trading offers for individuals at Forex. In this part we deliberately do not use special terms in order not to overload a reader with the great amount of information. In the concluding chapters pattern of the trade will become more and more clear.
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeMon Jul 11, 2011 5:33 pm

Well, jumpa lagi di hari Senin yang cetah ini. Mari kita lanjutkan pelajaran kita tentang Forex Participatns.

Quote :
It is necessary to understand what place a private investor is taken in the system of the world currency exchange before starting trading at Forex. Understanding types of Forex participants and their influence on the market helps to make clear how currency rates are changing. A bit simplified scheme of the market participants’ cooperation is described below.
The center link of the international currency exchange system is brokerage companies, or in other words brokerage house. They play a role of the intermediaries between the other major Forex players. Commercial banks are the main Forex participants. They may execute sell/buy deals themselves or on behalf of their clients. Such deals may be executed directly with other banks which they have managed to agree on rates with or via Brokerage companies. Here is the simplified scheme of cooperation – dealing department of the commercial bank contact a brokerage company and ask for the deal conditions which other banks are offering at the moment. In case the conditions of the deal suit, banks close a deal via brokerage company which makes profit on commission (percentage of the executed deal). Thus, brokerage companies act as a central place where currency rates are formed. Commercial banks receive information about the level of rates from the brokerage companies.
Other major Forex players are national banks of different countries. These participants access the market not for profit generation but for exchange rate and as consequence its economy adjustment. Often national banks close deals not directly but via one or several commercial banks covering up their activity. National banks of the developed countries may unite in order to reach the common goal.
All mentioned above Forex players are active participants, they do not only execute operations at the Forex market but offer their own prices (quotes). Active participants as a rule execute deals on millions US Dollars and do not use margin trading. They are also called market-makers. There are also passive participants at Forex, those who do not set quotes and may just close deals with quotes offered by the active participants.
Different investment funds are passive participants. Such companies place funds in the securities of the government and corporations of different countries when execute currency speculations. One of the most famous investment funds is “Quantum” of George Soros. At investment funds disposal there are milliards of US Dollars, moreover the may attract milliards US Dollars of borrowed funds, that is why investment funds may resist to national banks’ interventions.
Other type of the market passive players is participants of the foreign trade. These are companies which export and import goods. If an import deal is executed in the foreign currency this currency should be bought before the deal closed. On the other hand, if an export deal is closing in the foreign currency, this currency should be sold after the deal is executed. Such operations are executed via commercial banks. Next passive participants are international corporations – these are companies which have representative offices abroad. When funds are moved from the representative offices to the Headquarters, conversional operations are used, which are executed via commercial banks.
Step by step we come to the role of the private investor at Forex. Private investor as a rule does not have any capital, which is enough for closing deals via brokerage houses – minimal amount of such a deal is 100000 US Dollars. Via commercial banks private investor may execute buy/sell deals but speculate on exchange rates of the commercial banks is impossible for him/her. Commercial banks’ rates are changing once in 24 hours and the difference between sell and buy rate (spread) is very high. That is why commission houses appeared. Using the principal of margin trading private investor may execute deals even having modest capital.
With the Internet development brokerage houses evolved to the dealing centers and now provide services to everybody. Any person who has several thousands US Dollars may try himself/herself at Forex. But do not hurry! Before you open an account in one of the dealing centers read special materials about Forex and trade at demo-account for several months. You will not lose anything and get invaluable experience.

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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2011 12:45 pm

lol! sdh baca dr awal sampai buntut... ajib
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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeTue Jul 12, 2011 2:04 pm

__BlacKy__ wrote:
lol! sdh baca dr awal sampai buntut... ajib
Bagus gan, semoga dapat dimengerti, tapi harus pelan-pelan dan dipahami. ok.

Kita lanjutkan materi :
Quote :
How currencies are denominated at Forex

At the common market we sell goods for money. What about world exchange market where money appears to be commodity? Everything is simple we trade one currency against the other at Forex, it means that it is offered several units of one currency for another currency. International Committee for Standardization assigns abbreviation to each currency. First two letters determine the country of origin, the third letter as a rule (but not always) is the first letter of the currency. For example, abbreviation JPY: JP – Japan, Y – Yen. Despite the popularity of EUR at Forex, the world currency is still US Dollar. The trade volumes in different currencies are not the same.

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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeWed Jul 13, 2011 3:17 pm

Materi kita lanjutkan :
Types of conversion operations
Conception of conversion operations at Forex is deeply intertwined with the financial instruments. We classify the gold market, the credit market, the security market and Forex as the financial markets, where financial instruments are the methods of financial operations executions. Further only financial instruments which belong to Forex will be discussed. Conversion operation – is a transaction closed by Forex participants on exchange of agreed sum of currency which belongs to one country for currency of the other country for a certain date under the established quotation. Conversion operations at Forex are distinguished by the settlement date, i.e. by the date of currency supply in reference to the date of the buy/sell deal execution. According to this feature conversion operations may be divided into two types: current conversion operations (spot) and forward conversion operations.
The main volume of operations at Forex is set to the spot operations. In the international practice it is accepted that settlement date of the spot operation is the second working day after the transaction is closed. Such conditions are very convenient for counterparties because they have time to process documentation. Market, where currency exchanges on spot quotations is called the spot market.
It should be mentioned that this principle of mutual payment on operations of spot type works for the major players of the exchange market. For private investors (clients of different brokerage houses), who work at Forex by means of the Internet, the deal is executed immediately after a trader clicks the button. In such deals settlement date loses its sense – clients account always reflects current work at Forex.
Forward conversion operations include forwards, futures, options and swaps. They are also called derivatives. Such financial instruments were specially created for the real business because they help to decrease possible risks appeared as a result of quotation changes in future. For a private investor who wants to make profit at Forex such financial instruments are not so important. Nevertheless, they will be discussed for understanding the overall picture.
Forwards or forward contracts are closing between the counterparties at the condition to exchange the certain amount of currency according to the agreed quotes and day (settlement date). A deal will be closed regardless of the current (spot) quotes.
For example, forward contract may be useful when Russian company is planning to buy equipment for US Dollars abroad. Let’s imagine that this company does not have enough funds for the deal closing but expect receipt of funds to the rouble account during the month. It also forecasts the rate changes into a negative zone for the company, i.e. the rise of US Dollar. In this situation it makes sense to conclude forward contract with a bank on buying necessary amount of US Dollars with the settlement date of one month and with profitable for the company quotes. Of course, it will be difficult to find a counterparty because banks also expect the rise of US Dollar.
Forward contracts on the one hand minimize risks, but on the other hand may drive to profit loss because in case the fall of US Dollar a company was missed a chance to pay less for the equipment.
Futures in contrast to forward contracts have standard maturity dates and fixed amounts of currency volumes. This peculiarity lets them to be sold as common securities. For futures trading there is futures market. Average time of futures circulation is about 3 months.
Options are the same as futures but they reduce liabilities of the counterparties. Thus if you buy futures you have to close a deal according to the agreed conditions, if you buy options you may refuse to close a deal. Options are traded at the options market.
Swaps – a type of conservative operations when counterparties close buy/sell transactions with the liability to execute a reverse deal in a certain period of time. For instance, a company buys from a bank 1000 US Dollars for rubles at spot quote with the liability to sell 1000 USD for rubles back to the bank in a month at spot quotes which will be at Forex in a month. Swaps are non-standard contracts that is why they are not traded at the separate market.
Among all described conversion operations (financial instruments) for a private investor spot operations are the most important.

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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeThu Jul 14, 2011 2:51 pm

Apa kabar semua? Saya berharap dalam keadaan sehat wal 'afiat. Kita lanjutkan pelajaran kita.

Forex quotations
When we buy a good in the shop the price tag of this good reflects its price in the national currency. This situation is common for us, we pay 10 US Dollar and buy a book.
At Forex we always trade one currency against the other that is why regular price tag is not enough here. For example, we deal with USD and EUR. In order to value currencies’ price we need to know the price for one USD, denominated in EUR or EUR price denominated in USD. So, we need to know rate of one currency against the other. Such rate is reflected as quote of A/B type. In our case a quote looks like EUR/USD.
A currency which is placed before “/” is called base currency and currency which is placed after “/” is called counter (quoted) currency. For any currency pair at Forex the position of a currency in the quote is strictly determined. For pair EUR and USD it is EUR/USD and NEVER USD/EUR, thus EUR is a base currency and USD – quoted currency.
How a currency position in the quote is defined? Let’s digress from Forex and discuss separate country, for example, Japan. Historically every country has its own rules of quotes recording. Usually they are created in order it will be more convenient to provide information. It is more convenient to say that one USD may be bought or sold at 104.78 Yens than vice versa. That is why currency rate of Japanese Yen is presented as USD/JPY. The method of currency rate record, when a unit price of a foreign currency is denominated in a certain units of the national currency, is called direct quotation. The method of currency rate record, when a unit price of a national currency is denominated in a certain units of the foreign currency, is called indirect quotation. In our case – USD/JPY – is a direct quotation for Japan.
There is no such a concept as national currency at Forex and the main reserve currency is US Dollar. For quotes with US Dollar the rules of currency rates record, formed in the appropriate countries, are used. The concept of direct and indirect quote is used towards USD. With some currencies USD is a base currency and it is called indirect quote. With other currencies USD is quoted currency and it is called direct quote. For example, USD/JPY: USD is a base currency indirect quoted; GBP/USD is a direct quoted currency.
When we say that a quote A/B equals X, we mean that one unit of a base currency may be bought or sold for X units of quoted currency B. Let’s take again an example with EUR/USD: if we say that EUR/USD equals 1.2845 we mean that we may buy or sell one EUR for 1.2845 US Dollars. In other words, buy and sell transactions always refer to the base currency. Below there are examples of quotes denominated to US Dollar.
EUR/USD 1.2845
USD/JPY 97.50
GBP/USD 1.6260
USD/CHF 1.1623
AUD/USD 0.6735
USD/CAD 1.2535
We may conclude that one EURO sells/buys for 1.2845 US Dollars, one US Dollar sells/buys for 97.5 JPY Yens and so on.
It is important to know that in some lists of quotations in the Internet the authors do not emphasize direct and indirect quotations and it is implied that the user is informed and understands which currency in the quote is a basic one. For example, you may find a quote JPY/USD 97.50, here indirect quote against USD is meant – USD/JPY 97.50. Sometimes quotations against USD are denoted by one currency, for example JPY 97.50. That is why it is important to learn quotation pairs which you are going to use in trading and know what quotation (direct or indirect) it is appear to be against USD. Otherwise you may take incorrect decision regarding deal execution. For instance, CHF which is always quoted currency in the pair with USD. A quote CHF 1.1623 means that one USD buys/sells for 1.1623 CHF and not vice versa.
It is also important to understand how quotations are changing. Your main aim at Forex is to buy cheaper and sell at a higher price. For direct and indirect quotes the direction of the rate changes has opposite value. For a direct quote against USD, for example GBP/USD the increase of a quote means the rise of GBP and the fall of USD. For indirect quote against USD, for example USD/JPY the increase of the quote means the rise of USD and the fall of JPY. That is why it is so important not to confuse the quote type against interesting for you currency when you close a deal at Forex.
For different quotations different accuracy value (the number of digits after decimal point) is used. Minimal quotation value change is called a pip and for different quotations it is different. For instance, for a quote EUR/USD one pip equals 0.0001 and for a quote USD/JPY one pip equals 0.01. It is worth mentioning that big figures are changing rather slow with the course of time.
The price of one pip denominated in USD is of particular interest. If take direct quotes against USD it is not a problem because a pip is already denominated in USD. In case with indirect quotes against USD one pip volume in USD is necessary to calculate according to the special formula. We will discuss it later when begin to learn how to calculate profit and loss.
In this chapter all quotations were denominated in the spot (current) prices. We decided not to complicate the material introducing such concepts as buy/sell price, spread volume and cross-rate. We will touch on these concepts later.

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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeFri Jul 15, 2011 10:26 pm

Selamat malam kawan-kawan WDC, harapan untuk selalu hidup lebih baik mari kita tingkatkan. Disamping usaha nyata untuk mewujudkannya. Dan kita lanjutkan pelajaran :

Buy/sell rates and spread
Till now by the consideration of quotations, for simplification of understanding of the website material, we intentionally used only current (spot) exchange rates on Forex. Actually any quotation on Forex has two rates (two prices) – buy rate (bid) and sell rate (ask). These rates usually denoted through slash «/» where before the line the buy rate is indicated, and after line – sell rate, for example USD/JPY 104.75/104.85.
The buy rate is price on which the party, exposed the quotation, agrees to buy from you base currency. The sale rate is price on which the party, exposed the quotation, agrees to sell you base currency. That is concepts of buy and sale in relation to you are "inverted". Buy and sell in this formulation not you, and the party offering to you the rate. In other words, if you are going to buy base currency of the rate, it is necessary for you to look at the sell price (ask). If you are going to sell base currency of the rate it is necessary for you to look at the buy price (bid).
For example, if you are going to get 100 US dollars for the Japanese Yens at a rate USD/JPY 104.75/104.85 you need 100 x 104.85 = 10 485 Japanese Yens. If you are going to get the Japanese Yens by selling 100 US dollars, you receive 100 x 104.75 = 10 475 Japanese Yens.
Depending on the trading platform, provided to the clients by Internet brokers for work, graphic representation of rates will differ. As the big figure rarely change, in a sell rate (ask) of official quotations on Forex they often are not displayed. For example, mentioned above the US dollar quotation to the Japanese Yen can look as USD/JPY 104.75/85. The term big figure on a dealer slang means base number in 100 points, therefore in a sell rate (ask) quotations, as a rule, are displayed only 2 last positions.
The difference between the bid and ask prices (right and left sides of rate) is called spread. The spread forms a basis of profit reception for the party exposing the quotation.
Let us consider exchange office with the typical quotation for Forex of US dollar to the Japanese Yen USD/JPY 104.75/85 with a spread in 10 points. You sell 100 US dollars and receive 100 x 104.75 = 10 475 Japanese Yens. If somebody another comes now and will buy in exchange office these 100 US dollars he will be compelled to pay 100 x 104.85 = 10 485 Japanese Yens. Thus, the exchange office will earn 10 485 – 10 475 = 10 Japanese Yens. Apparently from an example, the exchange office earns on opposite transactions with currency i.e. when someone buys, and someone sells. This principle underlies in reception by broker houses of profit on the Forex market.
Profit in 10 Japanese Yens (approximately 10 cents in recalculation for US dollars) is insignificant small in comparison with a sum of transaction in 100 US dollars. For this reason, exchange offices use a much bigger spread, than in quotations on Forex where the minimum size of deal bigger and makes an order of 100 000 US dollars. More real for exchange office quotation would be USD/JPY 102.00/108.00 with a spread in 600 points. Then the profit on the transaction in 100 US dollars would be 600 Japanese Yens (or 5.56 US dollars in recalculation under the same quotation).
We will learn to define profit on the executed deal and to recalculate it in currency interesting us in following chapters of the website. Now it is important to understand that in any quotation on Forex two rates (buy rate and sell rate) are presented, and that the difference between these rates is called spread and is expressed in points.
So, spread – a source of the income for the party exposing the quotation. For this reason, the retail broker houses representing to private investors possibility to work on Forex through the Internet, as a rule do not take the commissions on transactions – they earn on a spread.
In the subsequent chapters of the website when we will learn to open and close positions on Forex, it will be in detail described why the big spread is not favorable for the private investor. For now it is necessary to understand that at a choice of the Internet broker first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the spread size they offers – the less spread, the better!
Where are buy and sell rates from? Who fixes them? Quotations of currencies are assigned solely by a supply and demand of currencies on the international currency market. The main influence on exchange rates exerts major active participants of the Forex market (about classification of participants on the Forex market was told earlier in the corresponding chapter). Carrying on the main change of current rate, major passive participants and millions of small participants also influence the further change of courses. Thus, if the majority of participants try to sell particular currency the price for it falls. If the main tendency goes to buy of this currency the price for it grows. Thus, the goal of the trader is to distinguish this tendency in time.
For different participants of international currency market at different time the spread size in the quotation is not identical. For the major participants of Forex, making the deals on millions of US dollars, spread size is minimum and amount to, as a rule, just few points as even the small spread in such transactions can make notable profit. For the small Forex participants, making the deals with the smaller sums, the spread size is bigger. So, in exchange offices the size of a spread can reach hundreds points.
In the conditions of unstable, fast changing course, the size of spread may increase. So, during the flurry moments of buy or sell of the currency, caused by publication of the important economic indicator.
The size of a spread can depend on liquidity of the separately taken currency market. If the currency does not trade actively on Forex, the spread under corresponding quotations can be bigger. It is especially actual for an interbank currency exchange when banks exchange "exotic" low liquid currencies of underdeveloped countries. Private investors basically work on Forex with quotations of high liquid currencies.
For major participants of the international currency market the spread size can depend on a sum of deal. If the sum strongly differs from mid-market sums on particularly taken currency the spread can be bigger. All big deals subject bank to considerable risks whereas for the smaller sums bank expenses on their carrying out increase.
Finally relations between contractors of the deal can influence the size of a spread. If there are strong business relations between the deal parties, they may come to the agreement on decrease of the spread size. And on the contrary, if the dealer of bank does not wish to perform operation with separately taken contractor, it can intentionally overestimate spread size in the quotation, obviously forcing the contractor to refuse the conducting of the operation.
So, a buy rate (bid), a sell rate (ask) and the size of spread in the quotation – key concepts at work on Forex. It is necessary for private investor to understand their meaning distinctly. At work on Forex decisions should be accepted quickly, and for this purpose problems in understanding of basic concepts should not be!
The private investor should not be frightened by the fact, that transactions on Forex, as a rule, consist on hundred thousand and even millions US dollars. The principle of marginal trade, it will be described in the next chapters, allows private investors to make deals for the sums of hundreds times exceeding means they have.

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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2011 3:50 pm

Pada akhir pekan ini mari kita lanjutkan mater kita :

The trading operations in Forex are carried out not only for the US dollar. We intentionally have not considered this kind of operations till now to make the Web-content more intelligible. The currency rates, which do not include the U.S. dollar, are named the “cross rates”. Generally, only advanced traders work with the cross-rates, as for the efficient work with them you should have a good background in economic situation and indexes of specific countries. As an example for cross rates quotations we can take the rate of the British Pound against the Japanese Yen (EUR/JPY), or the price of the British pound in Euro (GBP/EUR).
The currency positions in the major (dollar) price quotations are strictly determined. The positions of the currencies in cross pairs could vary depending on the counterpart, which gives the price quote. For example, a bank in Canada can rate the Canadian dollar as EUR/CAD. This finer point should be kept in mind, when the cross rates transactions are made, unless to meet a bad trade decision. In this case, British pound is an exception. It is always quoted as GBP/___, i.e. it is always a base currency.

Why the cross rates are of a great interest in Forex? Let us imagine a situation, when you are expecting a big economic upturn in Canada due, for instance, to the oil fields newly discovered (Canada is one of the main world oil suppliers). At the same time, in Japan the latest economic indicator gives a sign of a temporary breakdown in the economy. As the economy state of a country directly corresponds to the price rate of its currency on the world foreign exchange, it is obvious, that one ought to buy the Canadian dollars and sell the Japanese yens. But if you make this deal with US Dollars, the result could be pretty haphazard. The US Dollar can move up or drop down as well, because we might have no clear information about the US economic climate. Therefore, the purchase of Canadian Dollars for the US Dollars (by the rate USD/CAD) may not bring an expected profit, as evenly the sale of the Japanese Yens for the US Dollars (at the USD/JPY) could do the same. If we conduct these operations at once in an equal volume, as if we exclude dollar from the “equation”, and we cease to be depended on the situation with the American economy. We attain this effect, using the cross rates in Forex, and thus we omit the factor of US economy influencing the course of the currencies as to our example.
The most operations in Forex are performed in the major (dollar) rates. The Forex market of cross pairs is much less liquid. As a consequence, the cross pair rates are not calculated in regard of asks and bids of the currencies relative to each other, as it is done with the major rates. Otherwise, the cross pairs market could become a speculative one, and any participants could take in under full control. Thus, in spite of absence of Dollar in the cross rate quotations, it is just those major rates with US Dollar which are taken into account while cross rates quotations are formed.
How is the calculation of cross rates made? There are three possible variants of the cross rates calculation depending on whether US Dollar is a base or quoted currency in the major quotations of currencies that we are interested in. Thereby we will use the simple arithmetic rules used for multiplication and division of the fractions, which we know since the school bench. At the same time we should not take literally the USD/JPY pair as a fraction, of course. Then if the Yen for US Dollar was recorded as a real fraction, so the value of the quote 104.78 (the quantity of Japanese Yens exchanged for one US Dollar) could be represented as JPY/USD. From practice, as we know, USD/JPY is the reverse spelling. The first type of calculation is used for the currencies with the direct quotations against US dollar (the US Dollar is the base currency in the pair for both currencies). Let us take Yen (JPY) and Swiss Franc for instance. Having on hand the quotes of USD/JPY and USD/CHF against US Dollar, we can deduce a cross rate of the Swiss franc against the yen with the fractions methods.
That means it is necessary to divide the dollar quotation of the Yen by dollar quotation of the Swiss Franc. For instance, at the USD/JPY 104.78 and USD/CHF 1.0505, cross rate of the Swiss Franc against Yen will be equal to CHF/JPY 99.74 (with rounding).
The second type of calculation is used for the currencies with direct and reverse quotations against US Dollar (in this case Dollar is a base currency of the pair for one currency and quoted currency for another). Let us consider the Yen (JPY) and the Australian Dollar (AUD). If there are the quotes of USD/JPY and AUD / USD against US Dollar, we can deduce by the fractions rules a cross rate of the Swiss franc against the yen.
So one has to multiply the dollar exchange rate for the Australian Dollar with the dollar quotation against the Yen. For instance, if there are USD/JPY 104.78 and AUD/USD 1.0564 in hand, the cross rate of the Australian dollar to the Japanese Yen is equal AUD/JPY 110.69 (with rounding).
The third type of calculations is used for the currencies with the reverse quotations against the US Dollar (Dollar is in this case a quoted currency for the both currencies). Let us consider the British Pound and the Australian Dollar. Having the GBP/USD and AUD/USD quotations against dollar, we can deduce by the fractions rules a cross rate of British pound against the Australian dollar:
i.e. we have to divide the dollar quotation of the British pound by the dollar quotation in Australian dollar. For instance, if there are GBP/USD 0.5028 and AUD/USD 1.0564 in hand, the cross rate of the British pound for the Australian dollar is equal GBP/AUD 0.4760 (with rounding).
It ought to notice, that we have excluded from our consideration the notion of bid and ask price of the currency rate to simplify a bit the calculation formulas, and till now we used only current (spot) prices. But each major (dollar) quotation has two prices, and as the cross rate quotation has these both prices as well, so where in formula should we put the biding price and where goes the asking price to? The answer to this query is in understanding of logics in the cross rates calculation. Let us return to our example of the first type calculation, which involved Swiss Franc (CHF) and the Yen (JPY). We are interested in the cross rate quotation CHF/JPY. In order to define the biding price of the Swiss Franc in such a quotation (the biding/asking rates, as we have just known, always refer to the base currency) we need to argue like this. As we are interested in buying Swiss Francs, so we have to purchase first dollars for the Japanese Yens, and then sell them for the Swiss Francs. Thus, the biding rate USD/CHF is important for us, and in USD/CHF it is the asking price that we need to consider first. Thus, the buying rate of the Swiss Franc to be exchanged for Japanese Yen in the cross pair CHF/JPY is calculated by the formula:
CHF/JPY(bid) = USD/JPY(bid) : USD/CHF(ask)
In the same manner one can deduce a formula for the selling rate of Swiss Franc for the Japanese Yen in the cross pair quotation CHF/JPY:
CHF/JPY(ask) = USD/JPY(ask) : USD/CHF(bid)
In the examples of the second and the third types of calculation we use the same formulas:
AUD/JPY(bid) = AUD/USD(bid) * USD/JPY(bid),
AUD/JPY(ask) = AUD/USD(ask) * USD/JPY(ask),
GBP/AUD(bid) = GBP/USD(bid) : AUD/USD(ask),
GBP/AUD(ask) = GBP/USD(ask) : AUD/USD(bid).
It is to be noted, that the dealers do not use these formulas because of their awkwardness. There is more convenient way to calculate the buying and selling cross rates in Forex. This way is as the following. One takes an average of the biding and asking rates for each of the dollar quotations. Then, using the formulas for the current (spot) prices, we can calculate the current value of cross rate quotation. After that, this resulted value is quasi “drawn” apart by some points (the spread is settled up), and in this manner we receive the buying and selling price for the cross rate quotation.
Let us consider an example of Swiss Franc (CHF) and Japanese Yen (JPY). Supposing, the selling/buying rates of these currencies are: USD/CHF 1.0502/08 and USD/JPY 104.74/82, so the average rates let be calculated:
USD/CHF(avg) = (1.0502 + 1.0508)/2 = 1.0505,
USD/JPY(avg) = (104.74 + 104.82)/2 = 104.78,
which are further used in the quotes calculation formulas with the cross rates for the current (spot) prices. The resulting value of the cross pair price CHF/JPY(avg) 99.74 undergoes then the drawing apart, for instance, by 5 points in both directions, forming the biding and asking price of the pair CHF/JPY 99.69/79.
It is to remember, that there are some underlying potential problems in this simplified way of calculation. As traders earn money in Forex just with the conversing (over crossing) transactions, the spread must be quite big to escape the losses at the reversing trade with another counterpart. It is particularly vital for the low liquid markets of the “exotic” cross rates. In the summary of this chapter we would say, that the analysis and forecasting on the cross rates do not differ from the testing and prospecting for the major pairs in regard to US Dollar, i.e. there are the same tools in effect.

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PostSubyek: Re: Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex   Belajar Forex Trading with InstaForex Icon_minitimeSun Jul 17, 2011 2:01 pm

Meski hari Ahad, kita lanjutkan pelajaran :

Forex trading hours

Despite that Forex market operates clock round, there are certain time frames during which it can be more or less active in relation to transactions with different currencies. It can be explained by work schedule of the world’s major financial markets.

We all know about time zone existence, besides Russia is a very unique country firm that aspect – its territory stretches over 10 time zones. It means that at one moment the local time varies in different cities of the world, and the day in one part of the planet may mean night in another one. For convenience there was introduced Greenwich time or coordinated universal time which is denoted as GMT (Greenwich Meridian Time). GMT is a local time in the neighborhood of the Greenwich (mean) meridian. This European countries neighborhood includes Great Britain and Portugal.

As a Forex trader you can be in any part of the world, but it is essential to know which time zone you are in and how your local time corresponds to the local time of the global financial centers.

Worth noticing that in some countries daylight saving time is practiced, so in different season such countries will be in two neighbor time zones. Winter time zones are illustrated at the picture.

All activity at Forex market is divided into 4 trading sessions: Pacific, Asian, European and American. Each session is active during the working hours of a proper region.

The Pacific session starts first while financial markets of Wellington (New Zealand) and Sydney (Australia) begin opening. The next to open are the Asian deals, at the same time Tokyo (Japan), Hong Kong (Hong Kong) and Singapore (Singapore) wake up. The most active trading during these sessions is fixed with the British pound: GBP/JPY, GBP/CHF. Aside from this, the following pairs with the US dollar are traded: USD/JPY, AUD/USD и NZD/USD, as the Asian session opening comes in line with closing of the American one of the previous day. The Euro is almost not used for the European session opening in London.

By the end of the Pacific and Asian deals the European session starts. The major financial centers of Europe start up in London (England), Frankfurt/M (Germany) and Zurich (Switzerland). London is the largest financial center of the world where 30% of all deals at the) international exchange market are completed. During the European session pairs with the British pound (GBP and Euro (EUR) are actively traded. The Japanese yen (JPY), to the contrary, loses its attractiveness during the trading day. Additionally, the following pairs are traded with the US dollar: USD/CHF, USD/CAD, EUR/USD.

In the middle of the European session the American market opens its gates beginning from the financial center in New York (the USA), up to 15% of the global trading volume at Forex takes place here. The most deals are executed within the operating period of both European and American trading sessions, when the liquidity of such pairs as: USD/CHF, GBP/USD, USD/CAD and EUR/USD is great. By the middle of the American trading hours when Los-Angeles wakes up, the trading in Europe stops, that is why the deals liquidity of the European cross-rates (EUR/GBP и EUR/CHF) falls. Experienced traders almost do not trade with these pairs during the American trading timeframe.

According to summer or winter season the time in different financial centers of the world will differ from the universal time GMT by number of hours shown in the table below:

The financial center: hour difference from GMT: Winter/Summer:

Wellington: +11/+12

Sydney: +9/+10

Tokyo: +9/+9

Hong Kong: +8/+8

Singapore: +7/+8

Moscow: +3/+4

Frankfurt/M: +1/+2

Zurich: +1/+2

London: 0/+1

New York: -5/-4

Los Angeles: -8/-7

It can be seen from above that all countries practice daylight-saving, as they are in the same time zones in winter and in summer.

Working at Forex, apart from the major financial centers of the world during the trading sessions, there should be taken into account the fact that on Saturdays, Sundays and official holidays the financial centers are closed. The work efficiency in the global exchange market is minimal these days, consequently the liquidity rate is low too. The market is like in a pending mode. Even the market’s reaction to essential global events is delayed till Monday (next working day). That is the reason why professional market players try to close all opened positions on Friday (we will tell about opening and closing the positions later) in order to avoid unpredicted currency rate fluctuations caused by events which took place in weekends.

On Monday, Forex usually in waiting and there are no dynamic deals. The participants just try to determine dominating trends of rate movements. From Tuesday active trading starts and it lasts till the end of the Friday’s American session.

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